Salesforce Summer ’22 Release Highlights
With the Salesforce Summer ’22 release, there are many enhancements to look forward to. After combing through all the exciting new features, one of our Salesforce experts highlights the ones that stand out the most.
Summer is around the corner which means another Salesforce release is coming! In this Salesforce Summer ’22 release, there are many features that will excite admins and developers as well as user experience improvements for Salesforce users on the front end.
Here are the top features you should look forward to:
Editing Multiple Fields
On the Report Run page, you can now edit multiple fields and records without needing to rerun your report. This will now save users more time and brings feature clarity for the differences between views and reports.
New Summary Functions
The median function has been added as a new ‘Summarize’ selection for amount, expected revenue, opportunity probability, and age.

Customize and Filter Related Lists in the Lightning App Builder
Dynamic related lists add a new component to Lightning pages called ‘Dynamic Related List – Single’. Dynamic Related Lists give you the ability to create custom, related lists that can be filtered to display only certain records. For example – if an account has 10 related opportunities and you just want to see open opportunities, you can add a filter to display only ‘open opportunities’.
Bulk Manage Picklist Values
Admins will be able to delete, activate, deactivate, or replace multiple custom picklist field values at once, instead of one at a time.
Note: The Advanced Picklist Values Management (beta) opt-in is required from the Picklist Settings page in Setup.

Clean Up Inactive Picklist Values
A new functionality will provide the ability to mass delete unused picklist values.
Note: The Bulk Delete Inactive Picklist Values (beta) opt-in is required from the Picklist Settings page in Setup.

Picklist Value Duplicates
Moving forward, if you are notified that a duplicate value has been detected while adding new picklist values, the error will display the exact duplicate value. Before this release, you received a message on a duplicate being detected.

Custom Address Field
The new Custom Address Field is in beta from the Summer ‘22 release. This field mimics the behavior of standard address fields.
Note: You will need to have State and Country/Territory picklists configured first, otherwise the new field is not available.

Enable Person Accounts
Admins will now be able to enable Person Accounts without having to contact Salesforce Support. A self-enable guide has been published by Salesforce, which you can review here.

There are many more features in this Salesforce Summer ’22 release, so stay tuned with the key launch dates below.

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