Low Code Consulting

10 Signs You Need to Outsource Low Code or No Code Development

It’s called low code and no code development for a reason, so it’s easy for anyone to do, right? It seems counterintuitive to hire a consultant to do what was designed to be accessible. But every organization should recognize the signs when they probably need an expert.

The Reality of Low-Code & No-Code Development

Low-code and no-code platforms have been touted as revolutionary tools designed to democratize application development, allowing anyone, regardless of technical expertise, to build functional and sophisticated applications. The idea is appealing: empower business users, or “citizen developers,” to create solutions without waiting for IT departments or hiring expensive developers. However, the reality is more nuanced.

While these platforms do significantly lower the barriers to entry, enabling non-developers to participate in the app-building process, they are not entirely foolproof. Creating high-quality, scalable, and secure applications still requires a good understanding of best practices, an eye for user experience design, and often, some level of coding knowledge. Here’s why:

  • Complexity of Business Requirements: Real-world business problems are often complex and require intricate logic, integrations, and workflows that can be challenging for inexperienced users to implement effectively.

  • Design and Usability: Building an app that is not only functional but also user-friendly requires knowledge of UI/UX principles, something that many business users may not be familiar with.

  • Integration and Scalability: Integrating with existing systems, ensuring data consistency, and scaling the application to meet growing demands often require a deeper understanding of software development.

  • Security and Compliance: Ensuring that applications meet security standards and comply with industry regulations is critical, and this is an area where professional expertise is indispensable.

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Signs You Need to Outsource Low-Code Development Assistance

Without further ado, here are the 10 signs you need low-code consulting assistance or to seek a no code development expert. We’ve provided an example and scenario where consulting achieved what the organization could not.

1. Lack of In-House Expertise

Your team is unfamiliar with Power Apps, Salesforce, or other platforms, leading to inefficiencies or errors in application development.

A small retail business wanted to streamline their inventory management but lacked expertise in Power Apps. By using low-code consulting services, they quickly developed a custom app that integrated with their existing systems, saving time and reducing stock discrepancies.

2. Overwhelmed IT Department

Your IT team is overloaded with current projects and can’t allocate time to develop new low-code/no-code applications.

A healthcare provider’s IT team was swamped with system upgrades and cybersecurity initiatives. Outsourcing the development of a patient management app on Salesforce allowed them to maintain focus on critical tasks while still advancing their digital capabilities.

3. Need for Rapid Development and Deployment

You need to quickly launch a new application to address an urgent business need or market opportunity.

A logistics company faced sudden demand for a tracking app due to new client requirements. The Power Apps low code consulting experts deployed a functional app within weeks, meeting the client’s needs and securing the contract.

4. Desire for High-Quality, User-Friendly Applications

Your team can create basic apps but struggles to make them intuitive and user-friendly.

An educational institution built a basic student portal but found it wasn’t user-friendly. Outsourcing to a team specialized in Power Apps transformed the portal into a seamless, engaging platform, enhancing student satisfaction.

5. Scaling Challenges

Your current low-code/no-code applications need to scale, and your team lacks the experience to do so efficiently.

A growing e-commerce business needed to scale its customer service app on Salesforce. Hiring a consultant allowed them to expand the app’s capabilities smoothly, accommodating increased traffic and enhancing customer service.

6. Integration Complexities

You need to integrate low-code/no-code applications with existing complex systems and data sources.

A manufacturing firm needed to integrate a new Power Apps-based inventory management system with their ERP. Outsourcing ensured seamless integration, reducing operational disruptions and improving inventory accuracy.

7. Cost-Effective Development

Developing in-house might be more costly due to training, tool licensing, and prolonged development times.

A nonprofit organization needed a donor management system on Salesforce but had a limited budget. Outsourcing the project was more cost-effective and faster, allowing them to focus resources on their mission.

8. Focus on Core Business Activities

You prefer to focus on your core business activities rather than divert resources to application development.

A financial services firm wanted to focus on client acquisition rather than app development. Outsourcing the development of a client onboarding app on Power Apps allowed them to concentrate on their strengths while still enhancing their digital capabilities.

9. Access to Latest Features and Best Practices

Outsourced developers bring expertise in the latest features and best practices for Power Apps and Salesforce.

A hospitality company wanted to leverage new AI features in Salesforce for personalized guest experiences. Outsourcing provided them with cutting-edge solutions and expertise, leading to better customer satisfaction.

10. Compliance and Security Concerns

Ensuring compliance with industry regulations and security standards can be challenging without specialized knowledge.

A healthcare provider needed a secure patient data management app compliant with HIPAA regulations. Outsourcing to experts ensured the app met all compliance and security requirements, protecting patient data and avoiding potential fines.

Myth vs. Reality: Can Anyone Really Do Low-Code Development?

While low-code & no-code platforms like Power Apps and Salesforce do enable more people to participate in the development process, saying that “anyone can do it” oversimplifies the reality. These tools are powerful and flexible, but harnessing their full potential often requires a blend of technical know-how and strategic insight.

For example, imagine a small business owner who tries to build a custom CRM solution using Power Apps. Without a proper understanding of data modeling, app design, and integration, they might create a basic app that works but fails to meet their business needs effectively or securely. Similarly, a marketing manager using Salesforce might set up a simple workflow but struggle with more advanced automation and analytics features.

When to Seek a Low-Code Consulting Professional

Recognizing the limitations and challenges of low-code/no-code development is crucial. There are clear signs that indicate it might be time to bring in professional help to ensure your applications are robust, scalable, and aligned with your business goals.

And the best part is – you don’t always have to work with an IT consultancy for any considerable length of time! Organizations such as Smartbridge offer many options to backfill you skills gap.


Rest easy! Have a problem, idea, or just don’t want to be add more full time employees (FTE)? Smartbridge was founded on this outsourcing model. This usually involves regular account meetings with stakeholders, dedicated resources and recommendations for digital innovation to stay ahead, instead of simply keeping your head above water.


Typically a month to month agreement to assist during heightened periods of work, when it makes no sense to bring on more FTEs. Or you need to train the trainer, and have an expert guide your in-house resources towards the level of performance you need to maintain your ongoing work.


A monthly or yearly agreement to proactively monitor your platforms for maintenance or security needs, and assist with change requests as needed.

Reach out to Smartbridge and skip sales. We’ll pair you with a manager or director that is best suited to discuss your low code or no code development needs. Either way, good luck with your development projects!

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Explore more insights and expertise at smartbridge.com/modernization

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