Meet Our Recruiter
Smartbridge has something many other consulting firms don’t – our own in-house recruiter. Yep, the majority of our hiring is done by Smartbridge employees directly! The employment process is largely conducted by staff that can speak to the Smartbridge culture and work environment from a first-person experience.
Here’s your chance to get to know Cheryl, and see what she looks for in a candidate.

Cheryl Pounders
Cheryl grew up as a beach baby in Florida and graduated from Gulf Coast State College. She is a people person and always loves to be “in the know” about what’s going on with the company.
Her employment background has always dealt with administration and marketing but her interest in people and the companies prosperity made her transition into recruitment a perfect fit. Cheryl loves looking for top talent for open positions because she believes it’s the people that make the company.
What is something that impresses you in a candidate?
Resumes without grammar and format mistakes, and candidates that have done their research and know a little about the company.
What do you like to do in your free time?
Spend time with my husband and daughter, raising chickens and turkeys, and I love CrossFit style workouts (the heavier the weight the better).
Why do you enjoy working at Smartbridge?
It’s a smaller size company that is very family-oriented. Also, the managers listen to new ideas and are always willing to change things if it improves the process.
How would you describe the employees at your company?
Smartbridge hires some of the most talented and dedicated people I have ever met.
Do you have a favorite TV show or movie?
My favorite movie is Tombstone. I refuse to own it on DVD because that would take away from the excitement of just happening upon it on TV. I don’t care if the movie is at the beginning or the end, I will stop and watch it.
What’s your favorite quote?
Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it.